Front yard landscaping: do's and don’ts - Maplestone

Front yard landscaping: do’s and don’ts

The frontage of your property is the thing that will welcome you home every day and make a positive impression on your neighbours (plus any potential future buyers). So it makes sense to put some thought into your front yard landscaping.

Here are a few do’s and don’ts to keep in mind when planning the design for your front garden.



Do Factor Landscaping Into Your Budget.

Don’t forget to add garden costs to your overall budget for the home. Landscaping tends to be an afterthought, and the best way to ensure your front yard landscaping isn’t an unwelcoming eyesore is to work this into your budget from the beginning. 


Get Started As Soon As Possible.

Plant your plants as soon as possible after settlement – even if you’re not moving in straight away. The more time your plants have to grow, the faster they’ll add value to your home. 

Tip: Buy the most mature plants you can afford so it doesn’t take years for your home to look finished.  


Check Local Events and Programs.

Gardens for Wildlife (G4W) is open to all households within the Hume City Council municipality. You can attend free webinars, workshops and events to learn more about the native wildlife in your area.

Take part in community planting and get some free indigenous seedings and tips on how you can get started. Every patch of wildlife habitat is important whether it’s a few pots, part of a small courtyard, the whole garden, or even your nature strip. Visit Hume City Council to learn more.


Do Opt For Native Species.

Not only are indigenous plants better for the environment and local wildlife they’ll likely survive in your garden better and need less water. 


Choose The Right Letterbox.

Choose a bigger letterbox than you think you’ll need. Modern lifestyles, easy online shopping and possibly working from home a lot more means we receive more deliveries and parcels than ever.



Don’t Do It Alone!

Small spaces like front yards can be tricky. Even if your budget won’t stretch to hiring a garden designer or landscaper, you can still seek expert advice.

Local nurseries will often offer a garden design service for free as long as you purchase the plants from them, or apply for a program with G4W.


Don’t Forget About Summer.

Don’t forget to add at least one canopy tree. The eventual height will balance out your front garden design and, when strategically placed in your yard, it will provide free cooling, privacy and much-needed shade for summer. 


Don’t Be Afraid To Get Creative.

There is plenty that you can do with the design of your driveway. This surface takes up a large part of your front yard and is among the first thing visitors will notice. Plain asphalt works just fine but patterns, textures and colours add real interest. Consider brick, slate or even natural stone for a more upscale look. 


Don’t Put Lawn In Tricky To Mow Places. 

Consider paving, mulch, letterboxes, stones or other materials around taps, pipes, bushes and bin storage areas. Or save your future self the hassle and minimise grass in your front yard altogether. Your backyard is better for sunbathing and picnics at home anyway.
