Sunbury south town centre: developer unveils stunning designs - Maplestone

Sunbury south town centre: developer unveils stunning designs

A $100m town centre proposal to be built in Melbourne’s north is set to change the face of Sunbury.

Developer Sandhurst Retail and Logistics has submitted an urban design framework to Hume Council for the 20,000m square Sunbury South town centre, expanding the build and-hold developer’s $1b pipeline of projects in Melbourne’s fastest-growing residential corridors.

Stage one will include a national full-line supermarket and discount department store, commercial and retail spaces, dining and outdoor amenities including a pedestrian friendly environment, urban interfaces, green space, seating and undercover areas.

State MP for Sunbury Josh Bull said it would transform the area.

“The Sunbury South major town centre presents a unique and wonderful opportunity for our growing community -local residents speak with me often about the need for greater retail options, more local jobs and more opportunities close to home,” Mr Bull said.

“This project is genuinely exciting and I look forward to its delivery and what it will mean for Sunbury and surrounding suburbs in the North West.”

Hume Mayor Joseph Haweil also welcomed SRL’s plans.

“I think the centre will become a social space that facilitates community and economic growth, that the residents of Sunbury will benefit from for years to come,” he said.

Mr Haweil said the centre would also create employment opportunities for local residents alongside other economic benefits, increasing employment rates and expenditure in the area.

Sunbury South town centre will become the second collaboration between SRL and architects OMA in the developer’s $1bn portfolio; last year SRL announced the Dutch practice’s Australian office would lead the architecture on its 9000m square Wollert neighbourhood centre.

According to SRL, the population of Sunbury is forecast to more than double in the next 20 years, jumping from 42,494 in 2021 to 86,640 in 2041.
